Prosperity: Customizing the Front Page template

The Front Page template consists of six sections for you to customize, all of which are optional except the Featured Content:

  • Featured Content
  • Brief Text
  • Featured Page #1
  • Featured Page #2
  • Recent Blog Posts
  • Testimonials

Featured Content

The Featured Content section on the Front Page template will display a slideshow of posts. These posts are selected by assigning them a specific tag of your choosing.

To set the tag to use for the Featured Content section, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Customizer → Featured Content.
  2. In the Tag name field, add the tag you’ll use on posts to be displayed as Featured Content. For example, you could use the tag “featured” or “slideshow.” Click Publish.
  3. Add this tag to the posts (or pages) you want to display in the Featured Content slideshow. The post title and content will display, and the post’s Featured Image will be used for the background.
  4. You can have display different post summary lengths by using the More block. By default, “Read More” will appear as the text for the link, but you can change it to any title you want. You can also enter a shorter summary in the Excerpt module.

If the Featured Content tag is not set, or if it is not assigned to any posts, then the Featured Content section will display the front page’s title, content and Featured Image instead.

Note: This feature requires Jetpack plugin installed on your website.

Brief Text

This optional section can be used as an introduction or call to action. To add content to this section in your Front Page template, follow these steps:

  1. In the Customizer, go to Theme Options → Front Page: Brief Text.
  2. Add your custom text to the textarea.
  3. Click Publish at the top of your screen to save the changes.

Featured Page #1 and #2

These sections are optional. There are two ways to display your content in these sections; you can either have a full-width layout displaying one page, or a grid layout displaying two or more pages. The only page that cannot be selected as a Featured Page is the Blog Posts page, if your site has one.

Regular layout

To add a single Featured Page:

  1. In the Customizer, go to Theme Options → Front Page: Featured Page #1 or Front Page: Featured Page #2.
  2. Under Featured Page, select a page from the dropdown list. The page you choose should not have any sub-pages (child pages).
  3. Click Publish to save the changes.

You can use the More block or the Excerpt module to only show part of the Featured Page’s content. You can also add an image to the content and align it left or right to appear next to the text, or add a Featured Image to appear above it.

Grid layout

The Grid layout allows you to display multiple Featured Pages. This is done by selecting a page with sub-pages. The sub-pages will be displayed in a grid layout on the Front Page template.

  1. In the Customizer, go to Theme Options → Front Page: Featured Page #1 or Front Page: Featured Page #2.
  2. Under Featured Page, select the page from the dropdown list. To use the Grid Layout, the page you select must have sub-pages. The page you select will not be displayed in the grid, but all of its sub-pages will be.
  3. Under Section Layout, choose a two or three column layout for your grid.
  4. Click Publish to save the changes.

In order to add a small description at the top of this section, you need to add content to the parent page. You can use the More block or the Excerpt module to truncate this content.

Recent Blog Posts

You can also show your most recent blog posts on the Front Page template.

To display recent blog posts, plus an optional section title and text, follow these steps:

  1. In the Customizer, go to Theme Options → Front Page: Recent Blog Posts.
  2. Check the Display Recent Posts checkbox.
  3. By default, this section displays the title “Recent News” above the posts. You can edit this by adding your own title in the Section Title text field.
  4. Under Section Content, you can enter some text to appear above the recent blog posts.
  5. Specify how many posts you want to show under Number of posts to show.
  6. Click Publish at the top of your screen to save the changes.


In order to display Testimonials section on the Front Page template, you need to make it visible in the Customizer:

  1. In the Customizer, go to Theme Options → Front Page: Testimonials.
  2. Check Display Testimonials.
  3. Specify how many testimonials you want to show under the Number of testimonials to show label. Your recent testimonials will be displayed in three columns.
  4. In order to display your testimonials in a random order, please check Display in a random order.
  5. By default, this section displays the title “Testimonials” above the testimonials. You can edit this by adding your own title. Go to Appearance → Customize → Testimonials and type your own title into the text field under Testimonial Page Title.
  6. Click Publish at the top of your screen to save the changes.

Note: This feature requires Jetpack plugin installed on your website.

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